- Reignite the commitment to excellent patient care
- Teach tools of communication with family and providers to provide clarity
- Share tools of early detection for those patients that in three days will decompensate and encourage proactive nursing.
We have done this at numerous nursing homes to rave reviews and a decreased readmission 30% over a 4 month period.

John Bielinski, Jr, is a hosptialist and emergency medicine trained Physician Assistant with over 30 years of clinical care and educational experience. John understands nursing home care and the strengths and challenges nurses face. Using simplified tools and motivational techniques taught in the Dale Carnegie curriculum, John empowers and inspires. This is critical today as nursing home burnout is at an all-time high.
Here’s a brief video description: Reduce Readmission Info Here

John provides innovative solutions for improving the paradigm during care transitions.

“As always absolutely excellent presentation! We have had so many compliments and conversations surrounding you, your teaching style, and your expertise.
As you know, I sat in person on your first presentation. I intended to zoom in to the other 3 sessions just to make sure that lines were muted, sound was working etc. I must tell you, I actually listened in on each session. I got 8 hours of you in 2 days! I simply couldn’t not listen. You are captivating.
Our owner, Edward sat in on your second session. He hasn’t stopped telling the world about you.
Our CNO, Andrea sat in on your last presentation. She too cannot stop talking about your style and has spent the last 2 days singing your mnemonics! And she is quite jealous that I listened on all sessions.
I have had each of our 18 Administrators reach out with accolades and 4 of them reported that sitting in morning report the day following your presentations was like a new world.
Many practitioners have sent notes of thank you and appreciation.
In 2 days, you touched over 600 clinicians! While we provide excellent care, we lost our spark during Covid. Thank you for breathing life back into our teams and reinvigorating them.
This is your purpose. Keep on rocking on John Bielinski! Always an honor hearing you speak.”