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Is the NCCPA Using Artificial Intelligence in PANRE LA Question Development?

bharti singh By March 9, 2024No Comments
Is the NCCPA Using Artificial Intelligence in PANRE LA Question Development?


First and foremost I have no knowledge that this is going on I really don’t know Yet I believe in the NCCPA at least I did. In 2023, the PANRE LA questions were quite good in my opinion, yet also in the PANRE LA study groups I facilitated. So what the heck happened in 2024?

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizes industries the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) could be leveraging tools like ChatGPT for the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam (PANRE) Longitudinal Assessment (LA). While AI can provide a diverse array of questions there’s a fine line between innovation and obsolescence. It’s crucial that the NCCPA ensures these AI-generated questions maintain clinical relevance and applicability, if that is indeed what they are doing.

The danger lies in AI’s inability to discern what’s essential for clinical practice. AI might generate questions that are either too esoteric lacking practical application, or too broad, missing the nuances of real-world medical decision making This could lead to a PANRE LA that tests trivia rather than triable skills. The practical application of this pearl is rigorous vetting. Every AI-generated question must pass through the experienced eyes of clinicians who can sieve out the irrelevant and polish the pertinent. Thus, we can embrace the breadth of AI while anchoring it to the bedrock of clinical utility.

So, what the heck happened in 2024? Will it be corrected in Q2?

I think so. No matter what happened I still believe in the NCCPA “They” are on our side. “They” are not out to get us We must remember this is a new process.

I have already spoke once publicly about this here

Yours in service
John Bielinski MS PA-C

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