Internal Medicine Pack

Internal Medicine Pack


Quantity :

Nine American Medical Seminars, Inc.® Internal Medicine Modules

Receive Nine (9) American Medical Seminars, Inc.® Internal Medicine Modules. Each module is approved for 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and includes access to download your Audio MP3 &/or Video MP4, Color Digital Syllabus and Online Testing. With the hardcover option, you will be sent the CDs/DVDs, a Full Color Printed & Bound Syllabus, and Your Testing Materials.


MODULE 1: AUDIO – IM – Endocrinology
MODULE 2: AUDIO – IM – Psychiatry
MODULE 3: AUDIO – IM – Pulmonary
MODULE 4: AUDIO – IM – Cardiovascular
MODULE 5: AUDIO – IM – Pain Management
MODULE 6: AUDIO – IM – Infectious Diseases
MODULE 7: AUDIO – IM – Rheumatology
MODULE 8: AUDIO – IM – Neurology
MODULE 9: VIDEO – IM – Dermatology

Downloadable/Streaming: Includes MP3/MP4; PDF Color Syllabus; Online Testing
Hard Copy: Includes Audio CDs; DVDs; Printed/Bound Full-Color Syllabus; Test Packet; S&H

Ordering is Simple!

Select your Media Type as either Download or Hardcover. Next, click “Add to Cart”. Once your order has been processed, you will be contacted by our team with your login/download information.


American Medical Seminars, Inc.® is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA – American Medical Seminars, Inc.® designates these enduring materials for the maximum of 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Topics and Objectives:

MODULE 1: AUDIO – IM – Endocrinology

  • Calcium Metabolism
  • Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II

Title: Internal Medicine – Endocrinology: Calcium Metabolism; Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II

Faculty: Frederick Sunderlin, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia.
  2. Apply a cost-effective workup to elevated calcium states.
  3. Evaluate Vitamin D treatment options using evidence-based data.

TOPIC 2 & 3: Thyroid Case Studies, Part I & II

Upon completion of these sessions, the participant should be able to:   GL, EBM, COMP

  1. Review the etiologies and pathogenesis of hyper- and hypothyroidism.
  2. Apply cost effective principles in the laboratory evaluation of thyroid conditions.
  3. Design effective treatment protocols for various thyroid conditions based on management Guidelines of the ATA and AACE.

MODULE 2: AUDIO – IM – Psychiatry

  • Delirium
  • Dementia
  • Depression

Title:  Internal Medicine – Psychiatry: Delirium; Dementia; Depression

Faculty: Kevin S. Ferentz, M.D. and Gary H. Oberlender, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Delirium in the Elderly – Current Concepts

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Specify diagnostic features and common causes of delirium in seniors.
  2. Distinguish the causes of persistent delirium.
  3. Use evidence based medicine to formulate treatment approaches to delirious seniors.
  4. Recognize treatment options for intermittent agitation using evidence based medicine.

TOPIC 2: Evaluation and Treatment of Dementia in Seniors

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Determine the common causes of cognitive dysfunction and dementia in seniors.
  2. Develop an evidence based evaluation of seniors with cognitive dysfunction.
  3. Evaluate the relative risks and benefits of available treatment options for dementia in seniors.
  4. Distinguish the central role of caregiver education and support in treating seniors with dementia.

TOPIC 3: Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Explain the incidence and prevalence of anxiety and depression.
  2. Evaluate patients with signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression so as to make an accurate diagnosis.
  3. Prescribe appropriate medications and/or behavior modification to treat the various degrees of anxiety and depression as well as bipolar disorder from initiation to continuation and maintenance, when needed
  4. Identify the suicidal patient and take appropriate actions for their safety as well as the public.

MODULE 3: AUDIO – IM – Pulmonary

  • Community Acquired Pneumonia
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis
  • Tuberculosis

Title: Internal Medicine – Pulmonary: Community Acquired Pneumonia; Deep Venous Thrombosis; Tuberculosis

Faculty: David A. Horowitz, M.D. and Jerry Zuckerman, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Community Acquired Pneumonia

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to use the evidence-based guidelines of the IDSA and ATS to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Interpret the likely microbial causes of community acquired pneumonia based upon the severity of illness.
  2. Specify strategies utilized to triage patients to appropriate level of care.
  3. Prescribe recommended regimens to treat community acquired pneumonia.

TOPIC 2: Practical Approach to the Patient with Potential DVT

Upon completion of this session, using multiple research trials as well as applying recommendations from the ACCP, AAFP/ACP, and the AHA/ACC, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Obtain an appropriate medical history to better identify those patients at risk.
  2. More confidently evaluate and assess the patient suspected of having DVT.
  3. Better manage patients with the confirmed diagnosis of DVT.

TOPIC 3: Tuberculosis

Using evidence-based guidelines and recommendations from ATS, IDSA, CDC, and WHO, upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Assess the groups at risk for developing active tuberculosis.
  2. Relate the principles of antituberculous therapy.
  3. Interpret results of testing for latent TB infection.
  4. Treat latent TB infection.

MODULE 4: AUDIO – IM – Cardiovascular

  • Acute Coronary Syndrome
  • Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation
  • Syncope

Title: Internal Medicine – Cardiovascular: Acute Coronary Syndrome; Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation; Syncope
Faculty: Michael P. Goldfinger, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Gregary D. Marhefka, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P.; and Gerald W. Smetana, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Recognize appropriate indications for antiplatelet agents, including the novel oral agents.
  2. Recognize appropriate indications for anticoagulants.
  3. Determine the indications and appropriate timing of coronary artery angiography.
  4. Relate the differences between bare metal stents, drug eluting stents, restenosis and stent thrombosis.

TOPIC 2: Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Develop risk stratification for perioperative cardiac risk.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of preoperative cardiac risk guidelines and the revised cardiac risk index.
  3. Properly use beta-blockers and statins for patients at risk for perioperative cardiac complications.

TOPIC 3: Evaluation of the Patient with Syncope.  
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Appraise the various etiologies of syncope.
  2. Use clues in the history and physical as well as simple office testing to risk stratify patients with syncope.
  3. Develop a plan for appropriate use of additional testing in patients with syncope to include indications for EP testing as per the AHA Syncope Algorithm and the ESC Guidelines.
  4. Assess the role of lifestyle measures, medication, and more invasive measures to prevent recurrent syncope.

MODULE 5: AUDIO – IM – Pain Management

  • Headache-Diagnosis/Treatment
  • Neuropathic Pain Management

Title: Internal Medicine – Pain Management: Headache-Diagnosis and Treatment; Neuropathic Pain Management
Faculty: Laurence J. Kinsella, M.D., F.A.A.N. and Gerald W. Smetana, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Diagnosis of Primary Headache Syndromes.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Distinguish among the historical features of migraine, tension-type, and cluster headaches.
  2. Recognize which historical features best discriminate between migraine and tension-type headaches.
  3. Apply the triggers for migraine to lifestyle modification.

TOPIC 2: Treatment of Primary Headache Syndromes.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Appreciate the role of abortive therapy for migraine, tension-type, and cluster headaches.
  2. Recognize the range of options for pharmacologic preventive therapy for migraine, tension-type, and cluster headaches.
  3. Develop non-pharmacologic treatment strategies for migraine.

TOPIC 3: Peripheral Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain Management.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Define the spectrum of neuropathic signs, symptoms, and causes.
  2. Develop an approach to bedside examination.
  3. Discuss the mechanism of neuropathic pain.
  4. Apply effective therapies.

MODULE 6: AUDIO – IM – Infectious Diseases

  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • HIV
  • Endocarditis

Title: Internal Medicine – Infectious Diseases: Antimicrobial Resistance; HIV; Endocarditis
Faculty: Keith S. Kaye, M.D., M.P.H.; Kenneth Kaye, M.D., F.A.C.P.; and Jerry Zuckerman, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Update on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Upon completion of this session, using IDSA and SHEA evidence-based guidelines and CDC and WHO surveys, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Interpret the pattern of emergence of resistance of certain infecting bacteria.
  2. Analyze the epidemiology that may indicate potential resistance among the organisms discussed,  such as:
    1. Pneumococci;
    2. Enterococci;
    3. Gram negative bacilli.
  3. Use current therapeutic regimens while considering resistance.

TOPIC 2:HIV Primer for the Primary Care Physician.
Using recommendations and evidence-based guidelines from IDSA, HIVMA, USPHS, CDC and ACP, upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Relate the latest epidemiology of HIV infection.
  2. Interpret recommendations for HIV screening.
  3. Interpret diagnostic tests (e.g. viral load, CD4 count) and apply them to HIV management.
  4. Illustrate the principles of antiretroviral treatment.

TOPIC 3: Endocarditis and Orthopedic Device Infection Prophylaxis Guidelines: What the PCP Needs to Know.
Upon completion of this session, using evidence- based guidelines from the AHA, ADA, AAOS and AUA, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Apply current recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis of endocarditis and prosthetic joints.
  2. Illustrate data supporting prophylaxis.
  3. Determine appropriate patients for prophylaxis.
  4. Use proper administration of prophylactic antibiotics, including prophylaxis in the allergic patient.

MODULE 7: AUDIO – IM – Rheumatology

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Osteoporosis
  • FAQs

Title: Internal Medicine – Rheumatology: Polymyalgia Rheumatica; Osteoporosis; FAQs
Faculty: William T. Ayoub, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R. and John W. Pendleton, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Integrate and relate the typical symptoms, physical findings, and laboratory abnormalities in polymyalgia rheumatica.
  2. Use evidence based information to determine the appropriate initial dose of prednisone in patients with PMR.
  3. Detect the typical and atypical presentations of GCA.
  4. Determine the appropriate indication and technique for temporal artery biopsy.
  5. Prescribe the most effective treatment and distinguish the most serious complications of GCA.

TOPIC 2: Osteoporosis: Evaluation and Treatment.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, EBM, COMP

  1. Identify patients who are at risk for osteoporosis and should be evaluated with bone density testing as recommended by the International Society of Clinical Densitometry and National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines.
  2. Recommend the various nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments for osteoporosis as recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines.

TOPIC 3: The Geriatric Patient: Evidence-Based Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Apply evidence based recommendations to patients questions about the use of multivitamins.
  2. Recommend the most appropriate treatment for nocturnal leg cramps.
  3. Advise the appropriate dietary recommendations for patients with arthritis.
  4. Recommend evidence based treatment for restless leg syndrome.

MODULE 8: AUDIO – IM – Neurology

  • Seizures-Diagnosis/Management
  • Movement Disorders

Title: Internal Medicine – Neurology: Seizures-Diagnosis and Management; Movement Disorders
Faculty: David E. Riley, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Seizures and Epilepsy – Diagnosis.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Differentiate among the major types of seizures.
  2. Apply epidemiologic aspects to the diagnosis of epilepsy.
  3. Distinguish seizures from syncope.
  4. Formulate a plan for diagnostic investigation.

TOPIC 2: Seizures and Epilepsy – Management.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Determine when treatment with anticonvulsant medication is warranted.
  2. Choose among the many available anticonvulsant medications.
  3. Manage problems confronted by women with epilepsy.
  4. Counsel patients regarding their driving privileges.

TOPIC 3: Spasticity, Ataxia, and Gait Disorders.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Detect the major clinical features of spasticity.
  2. Institute a diagnostic investigation of cervical spondylosis.
  3. Assess ataxia and the other major clinical features of cerebellar dysfunction.
  4. Evaluate different types of gait disorders.

MODULE 9: VIDEO – IM – Dermatology

  • Hair/Nails
  • Malignant Melanomas
  • Common Tumors

Title: Internal Medicine – Dermatology: Hair and Nails; Malignant Melanomas; Common Tumors
Faculty: Michele S. Maroon, M.D.; Jeffrey Miller, M.D., M.B.A.; and O. Fred Miller, III, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Hair and Nail Disorders for the Primary Care Provider.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Develop an objective, simplified approach to hair loss.
  2. Distinguish the common causes of hair loss.
  3. Plan treatment strategies for the common causes of hair loss.
  4. Determine the common causes of nail dystrophy in a primary care practice.
  5. Formulate a treatment strategy for nail fold inflammation.

TOPIC 2: Malignant Melanomas.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Utilize the ABCDE approach to the description of pigmented lesions and features of melanoma.
  2. Analyze the biology of melanoma.
  3. Appraise and employ the AAD Guidelines of Care for the Management of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma.
  4. Refer for a surgical approach, as per the NCCN (National Comprehensive Clinical Network) Guidelines for melanoma.

TOPIC 3: Common Tumors in the Office Setting: Warts, Mollusca, Fibrous Tumors, Cutaneous Horns,  Acanthomas.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Devise a treatment plan for common tumors, which may include observation, biopsy, removal, and referral.
  2. Recognize the multiple cutaneous manifestations of warts and “wart-like” lesions and develop a stepwise treatment approach based on literature review and the British Association of Dermatology Treatment Guidelines.

Nine American Medical Seminars, Inc.® Internal Medicine Modules

Receive Nine (9) American Medical Seminars, Inc.® Internal Medicine Modules. Each module is approved for 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and includes access to download your Audio MP3 &/or Video MP4, Color Digital Syllabus and Online Testing. With the hardcover option, you will be sent the CDs/DVDs, a Full Color Printed & Bound Syllabus, and Your Testing Materials.


MODULE 1: AUDIO – IM – Endocrinology
MODULE 2: AUDIO – IM – Psychiatry
MODULE 3: AUDIO – IM – Pulmonary
MODULE 4: AUDIO – IM – Cardiovascular
MODULE 5: AUDIO – IM – Pain Management
MODULE 6: AUDIO – IM – Infectious Diseases
MODULE 7: AUDIO – IM – Rheumatology
MODULE 8: AUDIO – IM – Neurology
MODULE 9: VIDEO – IM – Dermatology

Downloadable/Streaming: Includes MP3/MP4; PDF Color Syllabus; Online Testing
Hard Copy: Includes Audio CDs; DVDs; Printed/Bound Full-Color Syllabus; Test Packet; S&H

Ordering is Simple!

Select your Media Type as either Download or Hardcover. Next, click “Add to Cart”. Once your order has been processed, you will be contacted by our team with your login/download information.


American Medical Seminars, Inc.® is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA – American Medical Seminars, Inc.® designates these enduring materials for the maximum of 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Topics and Objectives:

MODULE 1: AUDIO – IM – Endocrinology

  • Calcium Metabolism
  • Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II

Title: Internal Medicine – Endocrinology: Calcium Metabolism; Thyroid Cases Studies, Part I and Part II

Faculty: Frederick Sunderlin, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia.
  2. Apply a cost-effective workup to elevated calcium states.
  3. Evaluate Vitamin D treatment options using evidence-based data.

TOPIC 2 & 3: Thyroid Case Studies, Part I & II

Upon completion of these sessions, the participant should be able to:   GL, EBM, COMP

  1. Review the etiologies and pathogenesis of hyper- and hypothyroidism.
  2. Apply cost effective principles in the laboratory evaluation of thyroid conditions.
  3. Design effective treatment protocols for various thyroid conditions based on management Guidelines of the ATA and AACE.

MODULE 2: AUDIO – IM – Psychiatry

  • Delirium
  • Dementia
  • Depression

Title:  Internal Medicine – Psychiatry: Delirium; Dementia; Depression

Faculty: Kevin S. Ferentz, M.D. and Gary H. Oberlender, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Delirium in the Elderly – Current Concepts

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Specify diagnostic features and common causes of delirium in seniors.
  2. Distinguish the causes of persistent delirium.
  3. Use evidence based medicine to formulate treatment approaches to delirious seniors.
  4. Recognize treatment options for intermittent agitation using evidence based medicine.

TOPIC 2: Evaluation and Treatment of Dementia in Seniors

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Determine the common causes of cognitive dysfunction and dementia in seniors.
  2. Develop an evidence based evaluation of seniors with cognitive dysfunction.
  3. Evaluate the relative risks and benefits of available treatment options for dementia in seniors.
  4. Distinguish the central role of caregiver education and support in treating seniors with dementia.

TOPIC 3: Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to:

  1. Explain the incidence and prevalence of anxiety and depression.
  2. Evaluate patients with signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression so as to make an accurate diagnosis.
  3. Prescribe appropriate medications and/or behavior modification to treat the various degrees of anxiety and depression as well as bipolar disorder from initiation to continuation and maintenance, when needed
  4. Identify the suicidal patient and take appropriate actions for their safety as well as the public.

MODULE 3: AUDIO – IM – Pulmonary

  • Community Acquired Pneumonia
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis
  • Tuberculosis

Title: Internal Medicine – Pulmonary: Community Acquired Pneumonia; Deep Venous Thrombosis; Tuberculosis

Faculty: David A. Horowitz, M.D. and Jerry Zuckerman, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2020

TOPIC 1: Community Acquired Pneumonia

Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to use the evidence-based guidelines of the IDSA and ATS to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Interpret the likely microbial causes of community acquired pneumonia based upon the severity of illness.
  2. Specify strategies utilized to triage patients to appropriate level of care.
  3. Prescribe recommended regimens to treat community acquired pneumonia.

TOPIC 2: Practical Approach to the Patient with Potential DVT

Upon completion of this session, using multiple research trials as well as applying recommendations from the ACCP, AAFP/ACP, and the AHA/ACC, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Obtain an appropriate medical history to better identify those patients at risk.
  2. More confidently evaluate and assess the patient suspected of having DVT.
  3. Better manage patients with the confirmed diagnosis of DVT.

TOPIC 3: Tuberculosis

Using evidence-based guidelines and recommendations from ATS, IDSA, CDC, and WHO, upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Assess the groups at risk for developing active tuberculosis.
  2. Relate the principles of antituberculous therapy.
  3. Interpret results of testing for latent TB infection.
  4. Treat latent TB infection.

MODULE 4: AUDIO – IM – Cardiovascular

  • Acute Coronary Syndrome
  • Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation
  • Syncope

Title: Internal Medicine – Cardiovascular: Acute Coronary Syndrome; Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation; Syncope
Faculty: Michael P. Goldfinger, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Gregary D. Marhefka, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P.; and Gerald W. Smetana, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Recognize appropriate indications for antiplatelet agents, including the novel oral agents.
  2. Recognize appropriate indications for anticoagulants.
  3. Determine the indications and appropriate timing of coronary artery angiography.
  4. Relate the differences between bare metal stents, drug eluting stents, restenosis and stent thrombosis.

TOPIC 2: Preoperative Cardiac Evaluation.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Develop risk stratification for perioperative cardiac risk.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of preoperative cardiac risk guidelines and the revised cardiac risk index.
  3. Properly use beta-blockers and statins for patients at risk for perioperative cardiac complications.

TOPIC 3: Evaluation of the Patient with Syncope.  
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Appraise the various etiologies of syncope.
  2. Use clues in the history and physical as well as simple office testing to risk stratify patients with syncope.
  3. Develop a plan for appropriate use of additional testing in patients with syncope to include indications for EP testing as per the AHA Syncope Algorithm and the ESC Guidelines.
  4. Assess the role of lifestyle measures, medication, and more invasive measures to prevent recurrent syncope.

MODULE 5: AUDIO – IM – Pain Management

  • Headache-Diagnosis/Treatment
  • Neuropathic Pain Management

Title: Internal Medicine – Pain Management: Headache-Diagnosis and Treatment; Neuropathic Pain Management
Faculty: Laurence J. Kinsella, M.D., F.A.A.N. and Gerald W. Smetana, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Diagnosis of Primary Headache Syndromes.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Distinguish among the historical features of migraine, tension-type, and cluster headaches.
  2. Recognize which historical features best discriminate between migraine and tension-type headaches.
  3. Apply the triggers for migraine to lifestyle modification.

TOPIC 2: Treatment of Primary Headache Syndromes.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Appreciate the role of abortive therapy for migraine, tension-type, and cluster headaches.
  2. Recognize the range of options for pharmacologic preventive therapy for migraine, tension-type, and cluster headaches.
  3. Develop non-pharmacologic treatment strategies for migraine.

TOPIC 3: Peripheral Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain Management.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Define the spectrum of neuropathic signs, symptoms, and causes.
  2. Develop an approach to bedside examination.
  3. Discuss the mechanism of neuropathic pain.
  4. Apply effective therapies.

MODULE 6: AUDIO – IM – Infectious Diseases

  • Antimicrobial Resistance
  • HIV
  • Endocarditis

Title: Internal Medicine – Infectious Diseases: Antimicrobial Resistance; HIV; Endocarditis
Faculty: Keith S. Kaye, M.D., M.P.H.; Kenneth Kaye, M.D., F.A.C.P.; and Jerry Zuckerman, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Update on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Upon completion of this session, using IDSA and SHEA evidence-based guidelines and CDC and WHO surveys, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Interpret the pattern of emergence of resistance of certain infecting bacteria.
  2. Analyze the epidemiology that may indicate potential resistance among the organisms discussed,  such as:
    1. Pneumococci;
    2. Enterococci;
    3. Gram negative bacilli.
  3. Use current therapeutic regimens while considering resistance.

TOPIC 2:HIV Primer for the Primary Care Physician.
Using recommendations and evidence-based guidelines from IDSA, HIVMA, USPHS, CDC and ACP, upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Relate the latest epidemiology of HIV infection.
  2. Interpret recommendations for HIV screening.
  3. Interpret diagnostic tests (e.g. viral load, CD4 count) and apply them to HIV management.
  4. Illustrate the principles of antiretroviral treatment.

TOPIC 3: Endocarditis and Orthopedic Device Infection Prophylaxis Guidelines: What the PCP Needs to Know.
Upon completion of this session, using evidence- based guidelines from the AHA, ADA, AAOS and AUA, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Apply current recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis of endocarditis and prosthetic joints.
  2. Illustrate data supporting prophylaxis.
  3. Determine appropriate patients for prophylaxis.
  4. Use proper administration of prophylactic antibiotics, including prophylaxis in the allergic patient.

MODULE 7: AUDIO – IM – Rheumatology

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Osteoporosis
  • FAQs

Title: Internal Medicine – Rheumatology: Polymyalgia Rheumatica; Osteoporosis; FAQs
Faculty: William T. Ayoub, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R. and John W. Pendleton, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Integrate and relate the typical symptoms, physical findings, and laboratory abnormalities in polymyalgia rheumatica.
  2. Use evidence based information to determine the appropriate initial dose of prednisone in patients with PMR.
  3. Detect the typical and atypical presentations of GCA.
  4. Determine the appropriate indication and technique for temporal artery biopsy.
  5. Prescribe the most effective treatment and distinguish the most serious complications of GCA.

TOPIC 2: Osteoporosis: Evaluation and Treatment.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, EBM, COMP

  1. Identify patients who are at risk for osteoporosis and should be evaluated with bone density testing as recommended by the International Society of Clinical Densitometry and National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines.
  2. Recommend the various nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments for osteoporosis as recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines.

TOPIC 3: The Geriatric Patient: Evidence-Based Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, COMP

  1. Apply evidence based recommendations to patients questions about the use of multivitamins.
  2. Recommend the most appropriate treatment for nocturnal leg cramps.
  3. Advise the appropriate dietary recommendations for patients with arthritis.
  4. Recommend evidence based treatment for restless leg syndrome.

MODULE 8: AUDIO – IM – Neurology

  • Seizures-Diagnosis/Management
  • Movement Disorders

Title: Internal Medicine – Neurology: Seizures-Diagnosis and Management; Movement Disorders
Faculty: David E. Riley, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Seizures and Epilepsy – Diagnosis.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Differentiate among the major types of seizures.
  2. Apply epidemiologic aspects to the diagnosis of epilepsy.
  3. Distinguish seizures from syncope.
  4. Formulate a plan for diagnostic investigation.

TOPIC 2: Seizures and Epilepsy – Management.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Determine when treatment with anticonvulsant medication is warranted.
  2. Choose among the many available anticonvulsant medications.
  3. Manage problems confronted by women with epilepsy.
  4. Counsel patients regarding their driving privileges.

TOPIC 3: Spasticity, Ataxia, and Gait Disorders.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Detect the major clinical features of spasticity.
  2. Institute a diagnostic investigation of cervical spondylosis.
  3. Assess ataxia and the other major clinical features of cerebellar dysfunction.
  4. Evaluate different types of gait disorders.

MODULE 9: VIDEO – IM – Dermatology

  • Hair/Nails
  • Malignant Melanomas
  • Common Tumors

Title: Internal Medicine – Dermatology: Hair and Nails; Malignant Melanomas; Common Tumors
Faculty: Michele S. Maroon, M.D.; Jeffrey Miller, M.D., M.B.A.; and O. Fred Miller, III, M.D.

Original Release Date: July 1, 2016  Review Date: July 1, 2017  Expiration Date: July 1, 2019

TOPIC 1: Hair and Nail Disorders for the Primary Care Provider.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: COMP

  1. Develop an objective, simplified approach to hair loss.
  2. Distinguish the common causes of hair loss.
  3. Plan treatment strategies for the common causes of hair loss.
  4. Determine the common causes of nail dystrophy in a primary care practice.
  5. Formulate a treatment strategy for nail fold inflammation.

TOPIC 2: Malignant Melanomas.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: EBM, GL, COMP

  1. Utilize the ABCDE approach to the description of pigmented lesions and features of melanoma.
  2. Analyze the biology of melanoma.
  3. Appraise and employ the AAD Guidelines of Care for the Management of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma.
  4. Refer for a surgical approach, as per the NCCN (National Comprehensive Clinical Network) Guidelines for melanoma.

TOPIC 3: Common Tumors in the Office Setting: Warts, Mollusca, Fibrous Tumors, Cutaneous Horns,  Acanthomas.
Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to: GL, COMP

  1. Devise a treatment plan for common tumors, which may include observation, biopsy, removal, and referral.
  2. Recognize the multiple cutaneous manifestations of warts and “wart-like” lesions and develop a stepwise treatment approach based on literature review and the British Association of Dermatology Treatment Guidelines.


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