PANCE ReviewPhysician Assistant CME

PA Board Review: Rheumatology

John Bielinski, MS PA-C By January 7, 2015March 26th, 2019No Comments
PA Board Review: Rheumatology

As many people know, when studying for the PANCE or PANRE, there are certain subjects that are sometimes just hard to get a full understanding of. After years of advising PAs personally and in conference on the PA boards, I have found one of those subjects to be rheumatology. If you are like me and prefer a more abstract way to learn, using a “mind map” may be helpful when studying for the PANCE or PANRE. Check out this video to help you study Rheumatology on your boards, and let me know if it helped you with your PANCE or PANRE and what other subjects you would like to see “mind maps” for.

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