PANCE Review

PANCE Review Course : What To Expect The Day Of The Exam

John Bielinski, MS PA-C By May 1, 2015March 26th, 2019No Comments
PANCE Review Course : What To Expect The Day Of The Exam

PANCE Review Course :

What To Expect The Day Of The Exam

So we assume that you have been following the CME4LIFE blog, you have attended a physician assistant board review event and you feel that you are completely ready to take the PANCE……what now?   Do you know what to expect the day of the PANCE? Well in this post we tell you what to expect, based on my own experience from recently taking the exam.

  1. I will bring 2 forms of ID to take the PANCE. I think that the security here is even more tight than trying to board a plane. You may feel like you’re visiting someone in jail and the guards are making sure you aren’t brining in any contraband.  Is this a bit excessive? Probably, but such is life, and we must play ball.


  1. The test is broken down into different “blocks.” When working on a block you can go back and review or change your answers, but once your time limit is up that is it. Now to touch on going back and changing your answers. Everyone has heard at some point in their life to “trust their gut,” and this is how I feel. I am not big on going back and changing answers. Also if you get stuck on a question, stick and move, do NOT let it bother you.


PANCE Review Course, make sure you prepare yourself

How do you prepare for the PANRE?

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  1. You will get scheduled breaks (totaling 45 minutes), during these breaks plan on eating a little something, maybe a little caffeine, and some water. Use these breaks to forget about anything that may have gone wrong on the past block (after all it’s not like there is anything you can do about it). Do some light exercise, maybe some stretching and get ready for the next block.


  1. Remember that the PANCE is a long test. Stay calm, stay hydrated and just keep chugging along. Have confidence that you know the material. Self-fulfilling prophecy is the idea of a prediction coming true based on your beliefs. So if you believe you are truly prepared for the PANCE (not foolishly, you should ACTUALLY be prepared) and go into it with a positive attitude, you will do just fine.

Are you not prepared for the PANCE? Have you taken a review course? What review book or study materials are you using? Feel free to reach out to us at CME4LIFE to help you develop a plan. Maybe check out one of our Live Board Review Courses (we may be coming near you), or check out our complete DVD series, or our awesome board review flashcards. Remember, we are here to help you, so reach out to use for answers to all your questions.   PANCE and PANRE Review

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