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PANRE review

CME4Life Announces iPANRE to Help You Prepare for the 2019 PANRE

John Bielinski, MS PA-C By April 9, 2018February 25th, 2019No Comments
CME4Life Announces iPANRE to Help You Prepare for the 2019 PANRE

If you’re a physician assistant taking your recertification exam in 2019, you probably already know that there’s a new blueprint for the PANRE in 2019. These changes are the result of an industry-wide survey by the NCCPA. At CME4LIFE, we feel that the NCCPA did a great job at addressing common concerns PAs had about the past versions of the PANRE. The new PANRE blueprint debuting in 2019 is an exam that closely aligns with how PAs practice in clinical settings.

Our new iPANRE line of study materials will help you prepare for this new style of PANRE!

Changes to the PANRE in 2019

What will be different about the 2019 PANRE? In the past, the PANRE covered a wide array of general medical knowledge. Now, it is designed to test core knowledge that physician assistants should know, no matter what discipline they work in. There are two major ways the PANRE is becoming more clinically applicable.

A Leveled Approach

As a PA, you need to be able to diagnose many diseases and disorders. However, you wouldn’t need a deep working knowledge of treatment in many cases. Instead, you would refer to your supervising doctor or a specialist. The new PANRE blueprint takes this into account.

The NCCPA says there are now three levels of assessment that help align the recertification exam with clinical practice.

  • Level 1: Recognize most likely diagnosis using signs, symptoms and risks; refer appropriately.
  • Level 2: Make appropriate diagnosis by recognizing signs, symptoms, risks and/or interpreting results of diagnostic studies, and have knowledge of first-line treatment.
  • Level 3: Make appropriate diagnosis by recognizing signs, symptoms, risks and/or interpreting results of diagnostic studies and have knowledge of first-line treatment. In addition, have knowledge required to manage well-known comorbid conditions, contraindications, and complications.

Clinician-Written Questions

Practicing physician assistants will be more involved in the development of both individual questions and the exam as a whole. The NCCPA is using this method to ensure the PANRE is relevant to PAs in every discipline.

iPANRE Can Help You Prepare

This redesigned PANRE is so innovative, we’re calling it the iPANRE. A new blueprint means that you’ll have to study differently for the PANRE in 2019. At CME4LIFE we’re already gearing up to help you prepare. We’re creating study materials that align with the new leveled approach and will be announcing live conferences soon to help you study efficiently and effectively for your 2019 PANRE.

If you still have questions please email us at

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